Summer has gone but some of my tomatoes didn’t ripen, My partners dad told me wrapping them in news paper does the trick but I’m a lover of all food that’s Indian and chutney so this was a win win. 

1lb 6oz green tomatoes, quartered 6oz light brown sugar

6 floz white wine vinegar

1 onion, diced 

1 garlic clove, minced

1 inch piece of ginger, peeled and grated

1/2 red chilli, chopped

4oz sultanas 
Add the sugar to a heavy bottom high sided pan over a medium heat until it’s all melted, add the vinegar but stand back as the smell is very over powering, stir until all the sugar has dissolved. 

Add the chilli, garlic, sultanas, ginger, onion and tomatoes, stir and cook on a simmer covered for 1 hour checking and stirring occasionally, when it’s nice and thick it’s ready.